Welcome to the 2025 edition of the WarmWorld-ESiWACE3 Summer School, in the old town of Lauenburg near Hamburg!
The Summer School will give an insight into ICON , one of the state-of-the-art weather and climate science models. The students will learn basic meteorology concepts and will be invited to tackle code challenges using intermediate and advanced approaches from software engineering, high-performance computing and data analysis, all under the guidance of experienced lecturers from these various fields.
Important dates
- Apr 15, 2025 – Deadline for travel grants requests
- Apr 30, 2025 – Registration closes
- until May 15, 2025 – Notification of acceptance
- Jul 28 - Aug 7, 2025 – Summer School
Who can apply?
The school invites Master students and early PhD students in Computer Science, Data Science, Techno-mathematics, Applied mathematics, Meteorology, Climate Science with programming skills and an interest in Scientific Computing. We welcome applications from all countries and nationalities, especially encouraging students from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) to apply.
Group work, discussions and science in general benefit from diverse teams, different backgrounds and characters. We very much hope for a diverse and vital group and lively exchange and discussions.
IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBT OR QUESTIONS - e.g. if you would fit into this summer school, if you have enough experience or what to expect, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
The participants should have at least two years of hands-on experience with C/C++/Python. They should be familiar with the following C++ programming concepts:
- header/source/template files,
- data and control structures,
- multi-threading,
- C++20 features,
as well as with basic level Python programming fundamentals:
- data types,
- operators and functions,
- lists/list comprehension,
- control structures,
- data manipulation, retrieval and visualisation (matplotlib).
Optional knowledge of other programming languages or APIs like Fortran, MPI, OpenMP, Kokkos is beneficial, but not mandatory.
The participants should have at least B1 level of English as the content will be taught in English.